Sunday, January 2, 2011

Week 53 (12/31/10) Email to Family

Hola familia Goodsight. Get the Hello Dollies and the Christmas Tree ready because I'LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS! Here we are at the close of 2010, a good quick year with its share of ups and downs. I'm looking at the last day of my black year. I've got a fair share of time under my belt but I feel like I'm just getting started. I feel like what I have done up until now has just been preparation and the good times are just getting rolling. This year will be better because I have more control of my destination, I'm in the driver's seat of my future. It will be great to get home and be with you guys for Christmas but I am glad that I still have so much time left, I feel like I still have a lot to accomplish and things to do. I'm not done yet. Just getting started.
     Today isn't P-Day but they gave us time today to do email because the cibers probably won't be open tomorrow. We have P-Day tomorrow and again on the 3rd so that will be kind of different having two P-Days in three days. I'm not complaining, but I would have rather had them stay spread out. These last couple of weeks have been kind of screwy with the Holidays and the change up of P-Days. I'm ready for it to go back to normal. Guillermo made it to church on Sunday and he is progressing well on his way to baptism. I love seeing people making the necessary changes in their lives to qualify for el bautismo y el EspĂ­ritu Santo. I love witnessing the satisfaction people get from changing their lives for the better by following the example and teachings of our Savior Jesucristo, when they find that extra happiness they didn't notice they were missing. Recently Elder Bryce and I have been focusing on changing our teaching to help the people understand WHY?. Why is baptism essential in our lives here on earth? Why did Christ come to earth? Why are we here on earth? Why is life so hard sometimes? Why is baptism by the proper authority so important? Why do I need to know for myself if Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus? Why was a restoration necessary? Why is the Book of Mormon important and why do I need to read it? Why do I need to know if it is true? Why? The answers to the why questions are SO important for each and every one of us as children of God with the potential to become as he is, because without that knowledge we have no reason to do anything. There is no motivation for us to make the difficult but necessary changes in life that enable us to return to live with God and our families after this life is over. I know why and I am very grateful to God for the family he has given me and for the opportunity he has given us to find out why and how we can be a family after this life is over. I love you Mom, Dad, Pete, and Sam. Thanks for everything. I'll be writing in 2 days. Until next year chau chau.
Love, Matt

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