Monday, December 13, 2010

Week 50 (12/12/10) Email to Family

Hey y'all!
Christmas comes with a bit of a mix-up of P-days so the next time I will be emailing you guys is January 1. Yes you read that right January 1. It's kind of a lame deal but oh well. The next P-day will be Christmas and I will be talking to you knuckleheads instead of emailing. So that means we need to figure out what the arrangements are going to be. You guys let me know what timeframe works for you and this week I'll figure out what our Christmas plans are and my companion and I will work out what time we each want to talk and next Monday I'll email you guys a quick one to tell you what time to call me. That will be easier and better if you guys call me with a card or whatever from there. We live above a member lady and she has a landline so we'll be using that. Her number is 43893428. I don't know how the national or regional codes work but I'll see what I can find out and let you guys know next week.
So on Monday I worked with Elder Stokes and we went on Tuesday to Banfield to meet the noobs. We walked into the room and President had already interviewed them and assigned the companionships. There were 6 Latinos and 1 American. President named off the companionships one by one. First Elder Boyer...Latino. Elder Schmitt...Latino. Elder Stokes...Latino. Elder Rhoton...Latino. Elder Hendricks...Latino. 1 Latino, 1 American. President calls my name. I didn't think I was going to get the American but now it looked possible. It was down to me and Elder Delgado, the only Latin trainer. It was either Elder Bryce from the United States of America or Elder Wheeler from Colombia. Elder Woodside will be with................Elder...........Austin Wayne Bryce! YEEAAHH!!! It was awesome! Elder Bryce is a great kid. He reminds me a lot of Jake. Just really tranquilo and easy going. Sometimes when I'm not thinking about it it feels like I've got Jake walking at my side. We had a good first week together. Elder Bryce is from Flagstaff, AZ. He's a bit of a country boy. He grew up with horses and cows and all that stuff. We get along really well. I feel like I am learning just as much as he is. Its amazing being with him, because it makes me realize how far I have come since I got here. This Argentina place just feels so normal to me now. I think I will be with him for 2 transfers which would mean I'll be here in Jagüel until February 28. That would mean that in over one year I will have only had 2 areas. Crazy.
Christmas here isn't much of a big deal. Not a whole lot of Christmas spirit here. I kind of like it that way though because I think it would make me think about it more and make me more homesick if I saw lots of Christmas stuff everywhere. I think Christmas here is actually going to be kind of a pain in the butt. I heard the people here for the most part just get drunk and party. Plus we lose a P-day in the long run, at least I think we do. Week 3 P-day will be Christmas and week 4 is New Years Day-both Saturdays. I don't think that they will give us P-day on the 1 and then another two days later on the 3. We'll see. On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day we have to be in the pench at 6:00 because it's too dangerous after that for us to be out. I think we might be doing a sleep over in Colón with Maxfield and Gaffney but we'll see.
Today we played some frasketball in Monte Grande with some of the other Elders. It was fun stuff. I had to convince them that it would be fun. I think they all liked it so it was good. Then we went to Buen Comer, an all you can eat buffet. It was a good P-day. A good way for Bryce to start of his history of P-days. Its hard for me to imagine going back to the start. Its amazing how far I have come.
I don't really know what else to add. I'll email you guys a quick one in a week. The next time basically that we will be communicating is by phone. I'm excited to talk to you guys. I sure love you guys. 3 days and I'll hit my hump. Woohoo! I love being here doing this great work and time is flying. In no time I'll see you guys stepping off that plane and I'll be looking up at all of you except for Mom. I don't think I have grown taller since I've been gone...just a little chubbier. Just like my big bro. HA. I love you guys.
Chau chau.
Love, Matt

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